Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 10, 2018

what is transistor | how transistor works |


What is a transistor?
transistor is an electronic device found in every electronic circuits.this device has changed the world of'll find transistor in computers,TV,Radio,smartphone,kitchen appliances etc.every device work with the help of transistors.without transistors technology cannot be at this level which we see nowadays.

Transistors are very easy to use with any electronic circuit. we are discussing the working of transistors in very easy way,it is used for switching and amplification.

so to know how transistors work we have to understand the polarity.the word polarity in electronics means positive(+) and negative(-).you would have seen + and - signs on a battery.

It indicates how to install battery in a TV remote,alarm clock etc to match the polarity of the battery with the device.the same principle works for transistors as well, the transistor also have to be installed in the same polarity rule,the transistor comes in two polarity rule types,

NPN Transistor diagram

1.NPN type.(Negative Positive Negative).

PNP Transistor diagram

2.PNP type.(Positive Negative Positive).

The transistor works same as a valve which controls water,gas etc.
every controlling valve has an input side, an output side, and a lever which is opened and closed by turning the valve clockwise and anti clockwise which controls the flow of water.

In the same way the transistor also consist of three terminal

if the transistor is NPN type,
Emmiter will be Negative,
Base will be Positive,
Collector will be Negative.

so we'll understand it with the help of an eg
if we want to control a bulb with a switch the wiring diagram will look like this.

Here if we close(turn on) the switch the bulb glows and if we open the switch (turn off) the bulb will go off,here we are using our finger to control the switch but in transistor we have to control it with the help of electronic signal (voltage) either Negative or Positive.

so to turn on or off the bulb with the help of an transistor we have to wire the bulb in this configuration

here we have connected the negative end of the power supply with the emmiter of the transistor,
 the collector of the transistor is connected to the negative end of the bulb,
 the positive end of the bulb is connected with positive end of the power supply
and an input voltage is applied to the base to turn on the bulb,
here in transistor the base act like a gate when we open the gate the current from the emmiter flows out from the collector and the bulb glows.

You can also control the bulb with an electric signal, for example a function generator which will look like this.

so this is how the transistor works.
if you all find somthing wrong or not able to understand about transistor please comment

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