guten Tag, manche von euch dürfen öfter Diagnosen lesen. Manchmal sind diese nach icd codiert. Damit man diese besser decodieren kann, hat die TK eine App rausgebracht. ICD-10 Diagnoseauskunft von Techniker Krankenkasse (TK)
Blockuku by Quan Trong FREE Blockuku comes from Quan Trong. The object is to place the shapes into the grid to match the numbers on the horizontal and vertical axes.There a…Read More
Initiative Q: not a puzzlePuzzlers: this is not a puzzle. But it's a free offer to get free cyber coins in a new currency. I've gone through their webpage. Seems to me that it …Read More
Privacy PolicyPrivacy PolicyThis page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone de…Read More
Falling Moods by Marina Makarevskaya FREEMarina Makarevskaya recently contacted me about her new puzzle app game Falling Moods. The object is to tap on the emoji faces on top and have them fa…Read More
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