Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 12, 2012

Happy Holidays - Xmas Touch

Application: iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch
Function: Christmas photobooth
Cost: $.99
Rating: *****

The Christmas Season is upon us and it is a time to celebrate the birth of our Savior.  I hope that you are surrounded by family, friends, warm weather and fair winds. This is a time to reflect on the many blessings we have and how fortunate we are to live where we live and able to do the things we love.  Some of you are celebrating the holidays on land with the "dirt dwellers", like me, while many of you are anchored in some exotic locations worlds away. My hope it that you are all chasing your dream and living life to the fullest each day.  We are here on earth such a short time, don't waste a minute of it wishing you were doing something different with you life. 

I have been writing this blog for about two years and have to say it has been a blast. I have found a creative outlet for myself, learned alot and made many friends in the marine industry along the way. I have always found that people who hang around boats are exceptionally great people, willing to help out and lend a hand when needed.  We all have a common bond.  Boaters understand it is about the journey not the destination.  Most of us know that by putting good thoughts and deeds out there, they come back to you 1000 times over. 

In the blogi-sphere it takes a while to gain a following and I do thank my many loyal followers for checking in every few days to see what I have dreamed up.  Most of my blog posts are reviews or tutorials which are kind of technical and my be boring to some.  Whenever I try to explain these awesome marine apps to my wife I get this glossy eyed look, like I don't care. 

My goal all along has been to review the latest, coolest and Geekiest marine apps in hopes of explaining the intricate details of how many of them work.  I know I have helped a few of you because I get emails from people all over the world expressing their thanks.  The pleasure has been all mine. Just to know that I helped someone understand an app a little better gives me a great deal of personal satisfaction and a warm fuzzy feeling all over.

I try to throw in a post once in a while of something out of the ordinary to keep it interesting.  I don't get many comment on these so I assume they are not of interest and have kept them to a minimum.  Today is one of those days but I guarantee you will enjoy this app and get a chuckle out of this post.

I ran across a fun little app to make your Christmas a little more enjoyable.  Xmas Touch will cost you $.99 but it is well worth it just for the fun you will have. 

It is very easy to use and it will allow you to decorate any picture with a variety of Christmas items and ornaments.  It will work best with pictures of yourself, friends, family or even your family pet.

The app's first screen has options to take a picture with the camera on your iPhone or iPad or choose a photo from your picture gallery.

Once you have selected your picture it will drop you into the photo booth mode where you can start adding items to the photo.  This is where the fun starts!  Select the Cabinet icon in the lower left of the screen to access the items. They include different hats, glasses, lights, antlers, beards, ornaments, hair and other items.

With the cooperation of my Golden Retriever "Piper" I was able to quickly make him look more festive for the holiday season.  He is a very photogenic dog, don't you think?

Selecting the next Drawer icon brings up the items you have added to the picture so far. They show up in the side banner in the upper right of the screen. You can select any of these to edit or if you want to delete them, first select the item and then hit the Trash icon.

Add a catchy holiday greeting by selecting the T icon.  You can also change the size, rotation and position of the selected items by using the controls in the lower right side of the screen.

Once you have completed your Holiday Creation you will surely want to share it with your friends.  Select the Black Arrow, upper left, to return to the menu.  The Share option will allow you to post it to Facebook, Twitter, email, or Instagram.

To save it to your Photos camera roll on your device, select the Save to Role selection.

It is a fun and easy way to add some Christmas cheer to your photos or get someone in the Christmas spirit.

Send me some of your creations and I will share them on the blog!

I am looking pretty salty below with my Santa beard and bulb ear ring. I hope your laughing by now!

Happy Holidays

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